Feel free to skip over this post it won’t contain gross pictures I just wanted to remember how the day went.
On Thursday night James went to bed since tomorrow was his last day of summer school. I stayed up to finish a show and suddenly didn’t feel right. I figured it was the end of my pregnancy and at that point everything feels off. I decided to go to bed but couldn’t fall asleep. I went back to the family room and noticed I was having pain similar to contractions. I drank some water and tried to relax thinking they were Braxton hicks especially since I still had 12 days until my due date. But that wasn’t working. I decided to time them and walk around. Around 2:00am they were consistent so I told James to shower and get ready to go to the hospital. I took a shower as well and called my mom. She woke up Papa so he could stay at our house and watch Tessa. Then James, my mom and I headed to the hospital. It was important to me to get to the hospital in enough time to get two rounds of antibiotic so Landon wouldn’t be born with GBS (group beta strep) like Tessa. We arrived at the hospital around 3:30 and I was admitted even though I was only 2cm. James worked on grading papers and sending his grades to a friend who was going to cover his summer school class while mom and I walked the halls. Things slowly progressed and I got an epidural. I was excited when both my feet felt numb because it meant it worked! We started texting the family to have them make their guesses on what time Landon would be born and how big he would be. By the time I got to 8cm my water still had not broke and I was starting to feel pain and pressure. They were going to break my water but by the time the nurse had come back it broke on its own. Then it was time to push. I pushed for about 5 contractions and Landon made his big entrance. Landon Paul was born 7/8/16 at 2:49pm weighing 8 lbs 5 oz 21.5 inches long.