Busy Saturday 

Tessa and I had a fun day together while Daddy stayed home to help Landon feel better. Our first stop was Lakeshore Learning Store for a free craft and to look for more puzzles. The craft was supposed to be a bee hive but the supplies were limited. Tessa still had fun though. 

Then she wanted a 4 foot! mermaid puzzle but I talked her out of it. 

Next we headed to Toys R Us for their free Beauty and the Beast Lego event. We got to make a Lego Lumiere. 

Tessa wanted the Lego Beauty and the Beast Lego castle but I explained to her that it wasn’t age appropriate so she chose a carry and go princess castle. 

Our last stop was Target and Tessa enjoyed pizza while I shopped. 

Once we came home I caught Tessa’s stomach bug and it side lined me for the rest of the weekend.