1st Visit to the Aquarium of the Pacific 

Today we decided to venture out of the house and take our first outing as a family of four. Landon made it all the way to Long Beach before realizing he was hungry. I nursed him in the parking lot before heading in. After he nursed I put him in the carrier (we didn’t bring a stroller since the aquarium is small). All the moving made Landon spit up all over me and him. So then we had to change his outfit and I was stuck smelling like breast milk for the rest of the day (I forgot I also need to pack and extra shirt for myself). We finally made it into the aquarium. Landon pretty much slept the whole time which is why we have very few pictures of him. I nursed him before we headed home. He made it to Corona before crying and then fell back asleep. Overall it was a successful outing.